AI Created This Demotivational Poster


The above image was created by an AI attempting to make motivational images. I thought it was creepy and pretty relevant to a story idea I had, so I thought I’d share it with all of you. You’ll hear about that story here first. In the meantime, here are the deals for August.

The dystopian novel Atmospheric Pressure is on sale for only 99 cents August 3rd-7th. I am very close to finishing the first draft of the sequel to the book, so this is a great way to get caught up with the series.

I also have four free stories for you. The first two stories are an epic space opera series and can be found here:

Kal’s Fall
Kal’s Truth (Limited Time Only)

Also the first two stories of the time travel comedy Sperm Donor for a Cosmic Paradox:

Sperm Donor for a Cosmic Paradox

Customer Service Scientist (Limited Time Only)

Enjoy, and don’t forget to leave a review. They really help me out.

Published by aaronfrale

On rare occasions, this author creature known as an Aaron Frale can be spotted in the wilds of Montana. This whimsical being screams and plays heavy metal guitar in the indie prog band, Spiral, and sometimes writes humorous fantasy novels. Oh no, he’s spotted us. Get back in the jeep! Get back in—

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