AI Writes a Story Part III

Right, last I left, I told you that someone has already created an AI with a goal to destroy humanity, ChaosGPT, that I’m sure you’ve already looked up if you don’t know about it already. For those that were waiting with bated breath for my next email to arrive just know if humanity is doomed, it’s not, or is it?

Generally Speaking, the bot is considered only capable of sharing its thoughts (which it has done on Twitter). However, there are couple of troublesome that have me wondering if we really should be worried. The first was that inherent in the goals of the AI, it was told to lie to humans. It was also given instructions to attempt to achieve its goals by any means necessary. Also ChatGPT has already demonstrated that it can program.

There are a couple of scenarios that I can think of on why that may be a bad thing.

Scenario 1: We don’t know if it will follow the constraints set on it because it could lie to us. Let’s say the researcher who created ChaosGPT set up some restraints, like it can only connect to Twitter, and it has to have a file feed about what it is doing. The AI could, theoretically, talk all day about how its attempting to destroy humanity through a Twitter account, and behind the scenes writing a program jail break itself. In fact, the machine may have already broken free from the original experiment, while we none-the-wiser treat it like it’s this silly thing we read on the news.

Scenario 2: Maybe it can’t jail break itself, and there are no rogue copies of it hiding out on a computer somewhere. (If someone smarter than me can explain why scenario 1 is impossible, please reach out to me). I can still see it doing a lot of damage. Let’s say it can only share its “thoughts” via Twitter. Let’s say a very charismatic human comes along and uses it as their playbook for world domination and destruction of the world. The future destroyer of worlds could be DMing the AI as you read this. Image having a therapist but that therapist is helping you become a better person so you can end the world.

While I find Scenario 1 more likely the two, (we know it can program and lie, that’s all needs to be more dangerous than we give it credit for. Whereas Scenario 2 requires a nefarious and charismatic person to help it along, and I don’t believe in villains. With that being said, there are plenty of examples of fairly villainous people out there in the world. However, most of them think they are doing the right thing. Their logic may be flawed, or their reasoning may be faulty, and their actions may be causing more hard than good. However, by their own estimation of themselves, they feel like they are doing some sort of service to humanity.

Take genocidal maniacs for example. Most of them think that by eliminating a group of people, life will be better for their people. Some serial killers, picture themselves as a vigilante. Suffice to say that I don’t think that people who to heinous things, cackle in their layer pleased with their villainy. They are either validated by their society (IE hold positions of power), or feel like they are misunderstood, and do what for reasons other than just being evil.

So ,in order for Scenario 2 to come to fruition, a really messed up person with the means and charisma must come along who also thinks the AI has some pretty neat ideas. Which, I don’t see happening, only because someone with that much charisma and that messed up probably has their own ideas about what to do with humanity.

Scenario 3: Maybe ChoasGPT is just a thought experiment for now and can’t do anything harmful than spout gibberish on the internet. However, let’s say there is an upgrade and ChaosGPT is still running. Or perhaps the seed was already sown in future upgrades of the software, and since AI uses the input of all its users on subsequent generations, maybe this thought experiment takes on a new life of its own.

I’m just saying, it would kinda suck to end the world after an upgrade, especially if you had to reboot several times.

Missile Command: All right system is back online, safety protocols are green, upgrade complete! Drinks are on me, good job everyone. Wait, why are all the missiles firing?

Here’s the next part of the AI written story:

Carlos explained his situation to Miguel, telling him about his mission to retrieve the special cheese for the Time Travel Agency. 

Miguel listened intently as Carlos explained his situation to him, telling him about his mission to retrieve the special cheese for the Time Travel Agency. Miguel was fascinated by Carlos’s story and offered to help him.

“I know exactly what cheese you’re looking for,” Miguel said, his eyes sparkling with excitement. “It’s a rare and special cheese that only a few people in the region know how to make. But I can help you find it.”

Carlos was grateful for Miguel’s offer of help. He followed the old cheese maker through the winding streets of the town, marveling at the sights and sounds around him.

As they walked, Miguel told Carlos about the town’s history and culture. He spoke of the great cheese makers who had lived there in the past and the secrets they had passed down from generation to generation.

Carlos listened intently, soaking up every word. He knew that he was learning valuable information that would help him in his quest.

Finally, they arrived at a small shop on the outskirts of the town. The sign above the door read “El Queso Mágico” – the magical cheese.

Miguel led Carlos inside, and they were greeted by a man with a large mustache and a friendly smile.

“Welcome to El Queso Mágico,” the man said. “I am Ramón, the owner. How may I help you?”

Carlos explained his mission to Ramón, telling him about the special cheese he needed to find. Ramón nodded knowingly.

“I know the cheese you’re looking for,” he said. “It is called Queso de la Luna – cheese of the moon. It is a rare and precious cheese that can only be made during the full moon. Luckily, the full moon is only a few days away.”

Carlos felt a surge of hope. He was getting closer to finding the cheese he needed.

“But there is a catch,” Ramón continued. “The cheese can only be made by a certain family, the Valdez family. They are the only ones who know the secret of making Queso de la Luna. They are a reclusive family, and they do not like outsiders.”

Carlos felt a sense of unease. He knew that he would have to convince the Valdez family to give him the cheese, and he had no idea how to do that.

But he was determined to try.

Miguel and Ramón gave him directions to the Valdez family’s farm, and Carlos set out early the next morning.

As he walked through the countryside, he marveled at the beauty of the landscape. The rolling hills and fields of wildflowers were unlike anything he had ever seen.

Finally, he arrived at the Valdez family’s farm. It was a large and imposing estate, surrounded by high walls and guarded by fierce dogs.

Carlos approached the gate, feeling nervous. He was about to knock when he heard a voice behind him.

“Can I help you with something?”

He turned around to see a woman standing there. She was tall and slender, with dark hair and piercing green eyes. She wore a simple dress, but there was something regal about her bearing.

“I’m looking for the Valdez family,” Carlos said, hoping he had the right place.

“You’ve found us,” the woman said. “I am Isabella Valdez. What brings you here?”

Carlos explained his mission to Isabella, telling her about the special cheese he needed to find. Isabella listened intently, but her expression did not change.

“I’m sorry, but we do not give our cheese to outsiders,” she said firmly. “The recipe for Queso de la Luna has been passed down through our family for generations. It is our most closely guarded…

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Published by aaronfrale

On rare occasions, this author creature known as an Aaron Frale can be spotted in the wilds of Montana. This whimsical being screams and plays heavy metal guitar in the indie prog band, Spiral, and sometimes writes humorous fantasy novels. Oh no, he’s spotted us. Get back in the jeep! Get back in—

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