AI Writes a Story Part IV

AI seems to be coming out with new ways to use it faster than I can even keep up or write these emails. I could increase the frequency of my emails, but then I’d be leaning into journalism over fiction writing. Here’s a little insight to how I run this mailing list (authors, take note, this is my secret for minimum effort, maximum return). I write only one or two emails each month, and that’s when I’m really hitting engagement with my audience hard. When I have time at my computer, it’s either editing a completed manuscript or working on a new one depending on what’s my capacity.

Most of the emails you receive on a regular basis from me are reruns. They are emails I’ve already written, timed to go every two weeks to keep giving you content. I can get away with this because most of the emails I’ve already written were years ago. My most popular email, and by proxy most popular blog post ever, 25 Fun Cult Ideas, was written when a grand total of 3 people read it. When I send it out as an automatic email, it’s new and fresh. Automated content, so I can do what I truly love, writing new novels.

Now that I’ve committed myself to writing a series about AI, my model of writing emails has exploded. I literally wrote an email yesterday (the last one you read on AI), and two new articles about AI that seemed comment worthy came out. Now, I’m left with the conundrum of throwing a lot of time and effort into writing emails about AI or writing more fiction. Do I want to be a fiction writer or a journalist?

I chose fiction writer, so rather than giving you the latest, most breaking news about AI. I’m going to give historical fiction pieces about AI. Let’s roll back our clocks to the merry ol’ days of May 2023. Back in Ye Olden Times (you know it’s old when there is a Ye). An AI was used to read people’s minds. Thou art writer of historical fiction has used historical fact to inform of this point.

Thy human hath been put into a quaint brain scanner useth by practitioners of the medicinal arts calleth an MRI. To which the AI traineth on ye test subject’s brain with ye olden technology calleth a podcast. To which the test subject then thought upon a story unbeknownst to the researcher nor the AI, and the AI using the brain scan figured out the story!

Seriously, no joke! They used AI to read the thoughts of an individual by taking MRI readings of their brains while they were thinking! That is some mad whack sci fi shit, yo! Er… I mean thatith someth madeth whackest imagination science excrement, yo!

I don’t even need to get too creative to see how the CIA or the FBI would be doing black flips to get this technology. MI6 would juggle fire sticks. The Chinese Ministry of State Security cartwheeling through hula hoops. The Russian SVR doing some Cirque du Soleil… now tell me you would pay to see that? The intelligence agencies of the world coming together for a circus performance art competition every year?

Anyway, yes, it doesn’t take much to see how the intelligence agencies of the world will use this technology. Now there are a couple of limitations to keep in mind before thinking this will become the full-on governments reading our minds dystopia with thought police. The first is that it takes an MRI, a very big, bulky, and expensive medical device. The second is that right now, the AI must train on each person individually because our thought patterns are different. And the third, I imagine that there are ways to juke the AI by thinking erratic thoughts, or when it’s training on you, think about something else than the podcast, etc.

Could we find ourselves in the thought police dystopia? Potentially, but we could also find ourselves with AI that could help us sort through our thoughts. Imagine what an AI could do for someone with mental illness? If someone willingly uses AI to help with the thoughts they don’t want and encourage the ones they do, I think that’s wonderful. Even folks without mental illness could use it. Sometimes, it takes me a while to figure out how to proceed in a book. Imagine if I had a tool to help me sort those thoughts in my own head?

I think the point is that AI has the potential to be an amazing and transformative technology that can help us all live our best lives. It can also be used as a tool of oppression. It’s going to be interesting to look back at this moment in fifty years and see how it turned out.

More of the story:

Carlos felt a wave of disappointment wash over him. He had come so far, but it seemed like his mission was doomed to fail.

“I understand,” he said, trying to keep his voice steady. “But this cheese is important to the Time Travel Agency. If I don’t bring it back, it could have serious consequences for the timeline.”

Isabella looked at him thoughtfully, considering his words.

“You’re a time traveler?” she asked.

Carlos nodded.

“I see,” Isabella said. “Well, I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to let you try the cheese. But I must warn you, it is not for the faint of heart. Only the bravest and most skilled cheese connoisseurs can handle it.”

Carlos thanked her and followed her inside the estate. She led him to a room filled with shelves of cheese, each one labeled with a different name.

“Queso de la Luna is our most prized cheese,” Isabella said, pointing to a small wheel of cheese on a shelf. “It is made with a secret combination of herbs and spices, and it is aged for at least a year. Only a select few have ever tasted it.”

Carlos took a deep breath and approached the cheese. It had a pungent aroma, and he could see the veins of blue mold running through it.

He cut off a small piece and put it in his mouth. At first, he was overwhelmed by the strong flavor, but then he tasted the subtle hints of spice and herbs. It was unlike any cheese he had ever tasted.

“This is amazing,” he said, his eyes widening in surprise.

Isabella smiled.

“I’m glad you like it,” she said. “But you must promise not to tell anyone about our cheese. It is our family’s legacy, and we must protect it at all costs.”

Carlos promised to keep their secret and thanked Isabella for her generosity. He carefully wrapped the cheese in a special container he had brought with him and prepared to head back to the Time Travel Agency.

But just as he was about to leave, Isabella called out to him.

“Wait,” she said. “I have something else for you.”

She handed him a small package wrapped in brown paper.

“It’s a surprise,” she said with a smile. “Something to remember us by.”

Carlos thanked her and left the estate, feeling grateful and a little overwhelmed by everything that had happened. As he walked back to the Time Travel Agency, he couldn’t help but wonder what was inside the package.

When he arrived back at the agency, he was greeted by his boss, Mr. Pibb. He eagerly handed over the Queso de la Luna and explained how he had managed to obtain it.

Mr. Pibb was impressed and congratulated Carlos on a job well done.

“You’re a natural at this,” he said. “Maybe we should send you on more missions.”

Carlos felt a surge of pride at Mr. Pibb’s words. He had always felt like an outsider at the agency, but maybe he had finally found his place.

As he was about to leave, Mr. Pibb handed him a small envelope.

“This came for you while you were out,” he said.

Carlos opened the envelope and pulled out a letter. It was from Isabella Valdez.

Dear Carlos,

I hope this letter finds you well. I wanted to thank you again for coming to our farm and trying our cheese. I hope it was everything you were looking for.

Enclosed you will find a small gift. It is a family recipe for a special sauce that goes well with Queso de la Luna. It has been passed down through our family for generations, and we are happy to share it with you.

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Published by aaronfrale

On rare occasions, this author creature known as an Aaron Frale can be spotted in the wilds of Montana. This whimsical being screams and plays heavy metal guitar in the indie prog band, Spiral, and sometimes writes humorous fantasy novels. Oh no, he’s spotted us. Get back in the jeep! Get back in—

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