AI Writes a Story Part V

In my final installment of posts, I wanted to wrap up saying that I welcome our new robot overlords and you should swallow this pill that HAS NO MICROCHIPS IN IT WHATSOEVER. I mean, um, There’s a cool vitamin supplement that enhances intelligence, reverses aging, grows penis size in men, and allows women to send electric shocks to jerks on the internet. You’re welcome, AI overlords.

All joking aside, AI has potential to be a boon for humanity, but also can do serious damage. For every sci fi dystopian concept I can think up, I can also imagine the tasks not possible by human minds. Take protein folding for example. To make a long story short, when our brains degenerate, protein folding plays a role. Also, our immune system plays a part too. There’s a dance going on in our heads of our neurons, immune cells, and folding protein. If the dance gets disrupted, we get forms of dementia. The problem is very complex, for humans, but maybe not for AI.

Take SETI as another example. Last I heard that in the 40 years SETI has been in operation they have search the equivalent of a cup of water in the equivalent of the Pacific Ocean for aliens. Seems like AI could help them pick up the pace. What about climate change? Maybe AI could govern a carbon economic system to help fight it?

The point is that for every dystopian future, I can think of a brighter one with AI. I think it’s going to come down to us to decide what future we want to live in. Do we want AI to be a gift or our end? It will be interesting to see how we choose.

As for the more pertinent question for myself. The one that got me started on this. Is AI ready to take my job and pump out stories and leave human writers buried in the 5 million books published every month by AI. The answer is no, not yet at least.

Right now, it takes a lot of human intervention. With the story that I had it write, I tried to shape it a little and I put my two favorite alternatives at the end of this email. One was action/adventure and the other romance. But it took a lot of intervention from myself, so much that I would rather just write the story myself. Perhaps it could be an idea generation machine, but I don’t need one of those at the moment. For every book I publish there’s maybe five or so that I never write. I literally get a new story idea every month.

So, before I turn to AI for ideas, I’ll work on my own. You can support me by checking out any of the on the books page.

Thanks for being part of this journey.

Here’s the final part of the AI story (and the two alternates):

Carlos read the letter with a mix of surprise and gratitude. Isabella’s gesture touched him deeply, and he couldn’t help but feel a sense of connection to her and her family.

He opened the small package she had given him and found a small jar filled with a rich, aromatic sauce. The label on the jar read, “Valdez Family Secret Sauce.”

Curiosity got the better of him, and Carlos dipped his finger into the sauce and tasted it. A burst of flavors danced on his taste buds—smoky, tangy, and a hint of sweetness. It was the perfect complement to the Queso de la Luna.

Overwhelmed by the kindness and generosity he had encountered on his journey, Carlos knew that he had to express his gratitude to Isabella and her family. He penned a heartfelt letter, thanking her for her hospitality, the cheese, and the secret sauce. He also expressed his deep respect for the Valdez family and their commitment to preserving their traditions.

Days turned into weeks, and Carlos continued his work at the Time Travel Agency. He couldn’t shake off the memories of his adventure in San Ventura and the remarkable people he had met along the way. The Valdez family and their prized cheese had left an indelible mark on him.

One evening, as Carlos was finishing up his tasks at the agency, he received a surprising message. It was from Isabella, inviting him to a special event—a celebration of cheese and culinary traditions in San Ventura.

Excitement welled up within Carlos as he realized this was his chance to reconnect with the Valdez family and the town that had welcomed him. He eagerly accepted the invitation, packed his bags, and set off for San Ventura once again.

The town had transformed since Carlos had last been there. The streets were adorned with colorful banners and decorations, and the air was filled with the tantalizing aroma of various cuisines. San Ventura was bustling with locals and visitors from far and wide who had come to partake in the festivities.

Carlos made his way to the Valdez family’s estate, where the celebration was taking place. Isabella greeted him with a warm smile, and he was introduced to her family and friends. The atmosphere was joyous, filled with laughter, music, and, of course, an abundance of delectable cheeses.

As the evening progressed, Carlos had the opportunity to meet other cheese enthusiasts, local artisans, and chefs who were all passionate about their craft. He shared stories of his time travels and the unique flavors he had encountered along the way. The Valdez family proudly showcased their Queso de la Luna, and Carlos was delighted to see others savoring the cheese and appreciating its intricate flavors.

Isabella took Carlos aside for a private conversation, expressing her gratitude for his role in bringing the Time Travel Agency to their doorstep. She explained how the event was not only a celebration of cheese but also a chance to bridge the gap between the past and the present. It was an acknowledgment of the town’s rich culinary history and a way to embrace new experiences and flavors.

As the night drew to a close, Carlos realized that his time in San Ventura had come full circle. He had started as a lost time traveler, seeking a specific cheese, and now he stood among friends and kindred spirits who cherished tradition, heritage, and the joy of culinary exploration.

The following day, Carlos bid farewell to the Valdez family and the vibrant town of San Ventura. He returned to the Time Travel Agency with a renewed sense of purpose and a deeper appreciation for the intricate tapestry of history and food.

From that day forward, Carlos became an advocate for cultural exchange, promoting the importance of preserving traditions while embracing the possibilities that lay ahead. He shared his experiences and the flavors he had encountered with his colleagues at the Time Travel Agency, inspiring them to explore the diverse cuisines of different time periods. Together, they embarked on culinary adventures, discovering forgotten recipes, and reviving ancient culinary techniques.

Carlos also stayed in touch with Isabella and the Valdez family, exchanging letters and recipes. He learned more about their cheese-making traditions and even received a few more samples of their extraordinary cheeses from time to time.

Over the years, Carlos became known as the “Time-Traveling Foodie,” renowned for his knowledge and passion for historical cuisine. He authored books, gave lectures, and hosted culinary events that bridged the gaps between various time periods, bringing together chefs, historians, and food enthusiasts.

As his reputation grew, Carlos was invited to collaborate with esteemed chefs and historians on projects that showcased the fusion of culinary heritage and modern innovation. Together, they explored the depths of history, unearthing forgotten flavors and introducing them to a new generation of food lovers.

Carlos never forgot the impact of his time in San Ventura and the Valdez family’s generosity. He established a scholarship fund in their name, supporting aspiring culinary students who displayed a deep appreciation for heritage and innovation.

Through his work, Carlos left a lasting legacy, preserving the stories, flavors, and traditions of countless cultures and civilizations. He showed the world that food was not just sustenance but a powerful medium that connected people across time and space.

And as for the Time Burrito, it found its way back to the Time Travel Agency’s collection, displayed proudly as a reminder of Carlos’s extraordinary journey and the transformative power of food.

In the end, Carlos realized that his time travels had led him on a much grander adventure than he could have ever imagined. It was not just about finding a specific cheese; it was about discovering his own passion, purpose, and the incredible connections that could be forged through the shared experience of food.

And so, as he continued his journeys through time, Carlos carried with him the memories of San Ventura, the Valdez family, and the incredible flavors that transcended the boundaries of time. He knew that wherever he went, he would always carry a piece of their rich heritage in his heart.

The End… or is it?


Carlos, a seasoned time traveler, received a top-secret mission from the Time Travel Agency. He was tasked with retrieving a legendary artifact known as the Time Burrito, a powerful device capable of altering the fabric of time itself. The Burrito had fallen into the wrong hands, and if not recovered, it could wreak havoc on the timeline.

Equipped with his time-traveling gear and his trusted sidekick, Emma, an expert in martial arts and ancient artifacts, Carlos embarked on a perilous journey through the ages.

Their first destination was the ancient city of Machu Picchu in Peru, rumored to be the location of the Burrito. As they arrived in the bustling market town near the ruins, they immediately sensed they were not alone. A notorious band of time-traveling mercenaries, known as the Temporal Raiders, were also on the hunt for the artifact.

Carlos and Emma stealthily made their way through the winding streets, gathering information and piecing together clues from the locals. It led them to an enigmatic old man, Miguel, who claimed to have knowledge of the Burrito’s whereabouts.

Miguel guided them through treacherous jungles and ancient Incan temples, facing booby traps and battling fierce guardians. Along the way, they discovered that the Time Burrito was more than just a device—it contained the essence of time itself, granting its possessor immense power.

Finally, deep within an underground chamber, Carlos and Emma confronted the leader of the Temporal Raiders, a cunning and ruthless time traveler named Victor.

A furious battle ensued, with Carlos using his time manipulation skills to dodge Victor’s attacks. Emma, with her lightning-fast reflexes, fought with precision and agility. The clash of swords and the crackling of energy filled the air as the two adversaries clashed.

In a final desperate move, Victor unleashed the full power of the Time Burrito, causing the fabric of reality to tremble. Time itself warped and twisted, threatening to unravel the very existence of the world.

But Carlos, fueled by determination and the knowledge of the consequences if he failed, summoned every ounce of his strength. With a swift and calculated strike, he disarmed Victor, seizing control of the Time Burrito.

The chaos subsided, and the ancient chamber fell silent. Carlos and Emma stood victorious, the artifact safely in their hands.

They returned to the Time Travel Agency, greeted by cheers and applause from their colleagues. The Time Burrito was secured and placed under heavy guard to prevent any further misuse.

Carlos and Emma were hailed as heroes, their names etched in the annals of time travel history. They continued their adventures, safeguarding the timeline from threats both known and unknown.

In the end, Carlos realized that the true power lay not in the Time Burrito but in the bonds of friendship, courage, and the unwavering determination to protect the fragile balance of time. And as they set off on their next mission, Carlos knew that whatever dangers awaited them, they would face them head-on, ready to preserve the fabric of time and ensure a future where the past remained just as it should be.

The End…or is it?


As Carlos and Emma embarked on their perilous mission to retrieve the Time Burrito, they found themselves drawn to each other in ways they had never experienced before. Their shared adventures, countless close calls, and unwavering support for one another forged a deep connection that transcended their initial partnership.

Amidst the danger and excitement, Carlos and Emma discovered a profound bond, a love that blossomed amidst the chaos of their journey through time. Each passing moment strengthened their connection, and they found solace and comfort in each other’s presence.

During a moment of respite, as they gazed at a picturesque sunset over the ruins of an ancient civilization, Carlos couldn’t contain his feelings any longer. With his heart pounding, he confessed his love for Emma, his voice filled with sincerity and vulnerability.

Emma, taken aback by Carlos’ confession, felt her own heart racing. The magnitude of their shared experiences had woven their fates together, and she realized she felt the same way. In that moment, under the fading rays of the sun, they embraced, sealing their love with a tender kiss.

United not only by their mission but by their deep affection for one another, Carlos and Emma continued their quest to retrieve the Time Burrito. Their love served as an unyielding source of strength and determination as they faced the challenges that lay ahead.

Together, they overcame the formidable obstacles thrown their way, their combined skills and unwavering trust in each other leading them to victory. Carlos’ mastery of time manipulation and Emma’s unmatched martial prowess became a formidable force, ensuring their success against any adversaries they encountered.

Upon returning to the Time Travel Agency, Carlos and Emma were not only hailed as heroes but as a symbol of love prevailing even in the most extraordinary circumstances. Their colleagues cheered for them, celebrating not only their triumph but the powerful bond they shared.

With the Time Burrito safely secured, Carlos and Emma embraced a future that intertwined their personal and professional lives. They continued their adventures side by side, their love for each other strengthening with each passing moment.

As they traveled through time, they left an indelible mark on history, not only as fierce protectors of the timeline but as a testament to the power of love and unity. Their story became the stuff of legend, inspiring future generations of time travelers to believe in the extraordinary possibilities that could arise from the fusion of passion and purpose.

And so, Carlos and Emma’s love story transcended the boundaries of time itself, forever etching their names in the annals of history and intertwining their destinies in a love that defied the limitations of past, present, and future.

Together, they embraced their shared journey, facing the wonders and perils of time travel hand in hand, and cherishing the love that ignited amidst the chaos of their adventures.

The End

Published by aaronfrale

On rare occasions, this author creature known as an Aaron Frale can be spotted in the wilds of Montana. This whimsical being screams and plays heavy metal guitar in the indie prog band, Spiral, and sometimes writes humorous fantasy novels. Oh no, he’s spotted us. Get back in the jeep! Get back in—

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