The Relativistic Effects on the Flash

Since I have been up to my ears in promoting the new album, I don’t really have anything this week so I dusted off an old Bunny Droppings entry. Enjoy! The Flash probably has a shitty dating life because of the Relativistic Effects of a person moving at near light speeds. For those of youContinue reading “The Relativistic Effects on the Flash”

Why We Are Not Allowed to Leave Earth

From the Bunny Droppings Files: I recently discovered that there is a version of the Harry Potter books in ancient Greek. I think this is further proof of an alien conspiracy. Allow me to elaborate. There are only two groups of humans that use ancient Greek in their day to day lives, beer guzzling fratContinue reading “Why We Are Not Allowed to Leave Earth”

15 TV Pilot Failures

From the Bunny Droppings files: 1. CSI Leave It to Beaver – The first episode involved a lot of a vomiting from the Beave and Wally. Eventually, Wally downward spiraled into heroin addiction. 2. V: North Korea – The Aliens began worshiping the Kim Jong-Il like a god and wondered what the hell happened? TheyContinue reading “15 TV Pilot Failures”

Come to Albuquerque this Summer!

Looking for travel plans this summer? Take a look at this old Bunny Droppings file for all the Albuquerque travel faqs you’ll need. Sorry no faqing refunds. Q: Do I need a passport to travel to New Mexico? A: New Mexico is a state of the United States (1912) last time I checked a historyContinue reading “Come to Albuquerque this Summer!”