15 Facebook Buttons You Won’t See Soon

Facebook really needs a more realistic approach to their design. Each time they reinvent the interface, they always miss out on a chance to really have it more fully compatible for people’s lives. Here are a few buttons Facebook lacks for a truly more pragmatic social experience: 1. Having an Affair With – You haveContinue reading “15 Facebook Buttons You Won’t See Soon”

Excuse Me. Waiter. There’s Religion in my Schools…

I realize that if you read my blog regularly, you’d probably be under the misconception that I’m against Christianity. But affiliating oneself with a religion doesn’t really bother me. It’s when people use religion to disguise awful behavior that irritates me.   For example, when a person monologues about why gay people shouldn’t be allowedContinue reading “Excuse Me. Waiter. There’s Religion in my Schools…”

Dancing for Jesus

I discovered what truly will be the next dance craze to sweep the nation and reinforced my belief that the rapture will be a good thing: Before you laugh or blow your own brains out (or combination thereof), hear me out. Also try to ignore the “creepy stalker voice calling you at midnight” vocal stylings,Continue reading “Dancing for Jesus”

Puppies For World Peace

I really think I need to reiterate my stance on senseless violence this week. We should really fight terrorism with baskets full of puppies. Imagine some wacko who is about to place a bomb at a crowded event, he opens the trashcan… and it’s FULL OF PUPPIES. Who could murder puppies? And what if they did murderContinue reading “Puppies For World Peace”