If Gays Could Marry…

Since very important shit is going down today, I’m going to give you 10 Things that Will Happen if Gays Could Marry. 1. People will be marrying their dogs next. What the general public doesn’t know about gay people is that they are really the people wearing masks at Sci-Fi conventions. So when you see a Klingon having sex withContinue reading “If Gays Could Marry…”

The Dead Art of Channel Surfing

I am going to Ireland this weekend. So this blog will be put on hold for a while.  Last time I went to Europe, I wrote a piece about how to get kicked out of Europe. For Ireland, I figure I’d write about something I won’t being doing while I am there-watching TV.  With HuluContinue reading “The Dead Art of Channel Surfing”

A Brief History of Gays from Sparta to the Boy Scouts

The Boy Scouts are close to ending a ban on gays. They’ve finally joined the new millennium where gay people exist. Before, back in the old days, gay people didn’t exist. All those Spartan soldiers that used to fuck each other were really just manly men doing manly things. A bunch of Spartans are having a maleContinue reading “A Brief History of Gays from Sparta to the Boy Scouts”

When the Propaganda Machine Runs Dry

Stop the press! What does that mean anymore? It’s not like we print newspapers. I guess would could try stopping the internet for important news. But that probably won’t go so well: A guy waits for a download. It stops and the screen reads: We interrupt your download for this very important bulletin: World War Three hasContinue reading “When the Propaganda Machine Runs Dry”

The True Winners of Election Day 2012

Here is the official Won’t Change the World predictions for today: President – Taylor Swift – Not only did she release a new album near election time but probably more people listened to it than will end up voting in the election. At least we’ll finally have our first woman president. US Senate – Jerry Seinfeld willContinue reading “The True Winners of Election Day 2012”