Sperm Donor for a Cosmic Paradox – Sample

The DNA test was a mistake. An email appeared in my inbox one Wednesday morning. I was at work with nothing to do. Facebook status updates, The Huffington Post, and The Onion didn’t seem to change much after I hit the refresh button for the seventh time, so when the email about tracing my geneticContinue reading “Sperm Donor for a Cosmic Paradox – Sample”

7 Reasons to Support the Government Shutdown

People are going crazy about the government shut down like it will be a bad thing but I always like to stay positive. So here are some good things about the government shut down: 1. All those families with seventeen children who use up food stamps will just die off when their EBT cards fail. TheyContinue reading “7 Reasons to Support the Government Shutdown”

Where’s the Third Fucking Option?

I am finally going to weigh in on gun control. Generally speaking, I try to stay away from a topic until I have a solid opinion. When I think about the polarized options, each are absurd. Hippy wonderland can’t exist because one power hungry dude with a chain gun will end the hippy love fest.Continue reading “Where’s the Third Fucking Option?”

What Would the Aliens Think?

I believe in aliens. With the vast enormity of all of time and space, there has to be other intelligent life in the universe. Saying we are alone in the universe is a lot like masturbating, you may satisfy yourself but it’s much more fun with a partner. The question that I really don’t knowContinue reading “What Would the Aliens Think?”

Land of Quantum Entanglement

New Mexico asks an important question of all of us: Red or Green? The question is so important to New Mexicans, they’ve actually gone so far as to make the choice of red or green the actual state question. Unlike Arizona, where the state question is “Immigration papers?” For those who live outside New Mexico, youContinue reading “Land of Quantum Entanglement”