The Minimum Standard of Living

Lots of the science fiction of my childhood has now become reality. I remember when the idea of a computer that could speak with you was only in the movies and TV shows. I saw the movie in the theater when the time traveling Scotty from Star Trek picked up a mouse and said, “helloContinue reading “The Minimum Standard of Living”

AI Writes a Story Part V

In my final installment of posts, I wanted to wrap up saying that I welcome our new robot overlords and you should swallow this pill that HAS NO MICROCHIPS IN IT WHATSOEVER. I mean, um, There’s a cool vitamin supplement that enhances intelligence, reverses aging, grows penis size in men, and allows women to sendContinue reading “AI Writes a Story Part V”

AI Writes a Story Part IV

AI seems to be coming out with new ways to use it faster than I can even keep up or write these emails. I could increase the frequency of my emails, but then I’d be leaning into journalism over fiction writing. Here’s a little insight to how I run this mailing list (authors, take note,Continue reading “AI Writes a Story Part IV”