What Would the Aliens Think?

I believe in aliens. With the vast enormity of all of time and space, there has to be other intelligent life in the universe. Saying we are alone in the universe is a lot like masturbating, you may satisfy yourself but it’s much more fun with a partner. The question that I really don’t knowContinue reading “What Would the Aliens Think?”

We Need Just a Liter or Six

Last night was like a Doctor Who episode. My students were called out of the classroom to help the medical assisting students practice their blood drawing skills. Of course, my school really is a career college and not an alien plot to experiment on human test subjects… right? RIGHT? Aside from the fact that aContinue reading “We Need Just a Liter or Six”

The Romulan Senate Gives You A Sad Face

I read an article about a cloaked alien ship near Mercury. The conspirator thinks that an ejection from the sun revealed the cloaked ship. The scientist says that it’s a data processing glitch. I say that it’s Jimmy Hoffa’s grandmother hooked to an MK-ULTRA device by Elvis while Kennedy’s assassins order a Mayan calender shapedContinue reading “The Romulan Senate Gives You A Sad Face”

Why We Are Not Allowed to Leave Earth

From the Bunny Droppings Files: I recently discovered that there is a version of the Harry Potter books in ancient Greek. I think this is further proof of an alien conspiracy. Allow me to elaborate. There are only two groups of humans that use ancient Greek in their day to day lives, beer guzzling fratContinue reading “Why We Are Not Allowed to Leave Earth”