The Teristaque Chronicles Part 6

The wait for new material is finally over! Grannork’s Burden will drop 12/31/17. If you want to get it in the wee hours of the last day of the year, it’s up for preorder. In this installment, you’ll get to see how Grannork ended in a Teristaque prison, and Kal will find out some vitalContinue reading “The Teristaque Chronicles Part 6”

If You Enjoyed Time Burrito—

Time Burrito has had a fantastic release, and I have all of you to thank for it. I really appreciate the support this book has seen. The free promotion was a resounding success of over 5000 downloads, and reviews seem to show people are enjoying the book. If you want to help, consider leaving aContinue reading “If You Enjoyed Time Burrito—”

Get Free Books on Black Friday!

Get a metric butt ton of free books today. Not only is Othello and Zombies a free download on Amazon today. I am participating in a give-away-a-thon for many many Horror and Urban Fantasy novels on InstaFreebie. You can check out the entire list here. Note: Due to Amazon’s Terms of Service, I can’t give awayContinue reading “Get Free Books on Black Friday!”

A couple of short updates

I wanted to just get on the blog to update you with a couple of things I have cooking. The first is my crowd-funding campaign of Time Burrito. If you haven’t pre-ordered a copy, you should do so now. If you do, you’ll get the rare opportunity to read the book as I write it.Continue reading “A couple of short updates”

#PotAD 1 – Caroline by the #Espers

I needed to pick the perfect song. If I was going to write a novel where music was the actual plot device, then I had no choice but to embed a playlist into Playlist of the Ancient Dead. The music had to represent parts of my life and fit into the novel. So each chapterContinue reading “#PotAD 1 – Caroline by the #Espers”