AI Writes a Story Part V

In my final installment of posts, I wanted to wrap up saying that I welcome our new robot overlords and you should swallow this pill that HAS NO MICROCHIPS IN IT WHATSOEVER. I mean, um, There’s a cool vitamin supplement that enhances intelligence, reverses aging, grows penis size in men, and allows women to sendContinue reading “AI Writes a Story Part V”

AI Writes a Story Part IV

AI seems to be coming out with new ways to use it faster than I can even keep up or write these emails. I could increase the frequency of my emails, but then I’d be leaning into journalism over fiction writing. Here’s a little insight to how I run this mailing list (authors, take note,Continue reading “AI Writes a Story Part IV”

AI Writes a Story Part III

Right, last I left, I told you that someone has already created an AI with a goal to destroy humanity, ChaosGPT, that I’m sure you’ve already looked up if you don’t know about it already. For those that were waiting with bated breath for my next email to arrive just know if humanity is doomed,Continue reading “AI Writes a Story Part III”

AI Writes a Story Part I

I’m curious how well AI can write fiction. Now, I’m not a name brand author in the sense that there are only a handful of people who’ve heard of me. If sales are a measure of popularity, I make enough money to support the editing, cover art, and other production costs of the next project.Continue reading “AI Writes a Story Part I”