25 Reasons to Fire Your Therapist

1. “Sounds like you have a sleep disorder. Better take this pill, chain yourself to the bed at night, and don’t forget to leave your home address with the receptionist.” 2. He follows up all his advice by yelling the word, “NOT!” For example, “It’s perfectly normal to be anxious, NOT!” or “You are feelingContinue reading “25 Reasons to Fire Your Therapist”

Insult Therapy

This week, I’ve dusted off an old short film I wrote. There wasn’t really much of a soundtrack on the film so it was an unique opportunity to slap some Spiral songs on it. So it’s a rare combination of my comedy and my rock band. Enjoy and share it if you laughed either at or withContinue reading “Insult Therapy”

12 Google Graphics You Won’t See Anytime Soon

My wife recently had a birthday and on the day Google made a Google graphic just for her (my computer had the regular Google site). When you click on it, the graphic went to her Google Plus profile. It was cute and made me realize that there are certain Google graphics you’ll never see: 1.Continue reading “12 Google Graphics You Won’t See Anytime Soon”

Man Versus Masterpiece Theatre Free Ebook

I’d like to announce the official release of my third collection of humor essays: Man Versus Masterpiece Theatre. As a special treat for those of you that have been following Ideas That Won’t Change The World, I am giving the Ebook version away for free for the next five days (the free offer ends SundayContinue reading “Man Versus Masterpiece Theatre Free Ebook”