Free Stuff for Halloween

From now till November 4th, 2018. Desert During Day of the Dead is free on Amazon! The cover art is by a local New Mexico artist Rudy Lovato. Give him some love on facebook, and tell him how much you like his art. The free stories don’t end there. I’m hosting a group giveaway with horror, science fiction, andContinue reading “Free Stuff for Halloween”

Footfalls on Creaking Floorboards – Part 5 #Horror #Halloween

Both Angela and Luther turned toward each other and then looked back at the stone arch. There was a passageway beyond that seemed to angle downward and was obscured by inky darkness. Angela walked towards the phenomena, when Luther held her back. “Wait! You don’t know what’s down there!” “That’s exactly what I intend toContinue reading “Footfalls on Creaking Floorboards – Part 5 #Horror #Halloween”

Footfalls on Creaking Floorboards – Part 4 #SpookyStories #Halloween

“Angela?” A barely masculine voice squeaked out the “ah” sound at the end of her name. Angela rolled her eyes and jumped up from her hiding spot. She hit her head on the octopus furnace and a loud clang echoed in the darkness of the basement. There was a commotion at the top of theContinue reading “Footfalls on Creaking Floorboards – Part 4 #SpookyStories #Halloween”

Footfalls on Creaking Floorboards – Part 3 #GhostStory #Halloween

The inky blackness enveloped Angela as she went down the stairs. She could hear the groan of the wood as she stepped further into the darkness of the basement. She clutched the rail as she stepped down. The creak of her footfalls seemed to echo into the nothingness around her. After she was sure thatContinue reading “Footfalls on Creaking Floorboards – Part 3 #GhostStory #Halloween”

Footfalls on Creaking Floorboards – Part 2 #Horror #Halloween

Angela stepped into the darkness of the basement. The floor creaked, and she could feel it bend under her weight as if it would snap under the pressure. The next step was equally as perilous. The darkness closed in around her as she went further and further down. She thought about her media arts instructor.Continue reading “Footfalls on Creaking Floorboards – Part 2 #Horror #Halloween”