Patreon is Back

It looks like I shall be returning to release books on Patreon, and for my first one. It will be a rerelease of the The Teristaque Chronicles with completely new artwork. For this venture, if you purchase Volume I of the rerelease on Patreon, I will throw in a copy of Volume II as well. That’sContinue reading “Patreon is Back”

Sneak Preview

The Bison Agenda Here is the unedited chapter 1 of the Bison Agenda. There is still time to sign up for a exclusive edition by supporting me on Patreon. The world would soon weep at the name Barry Bison. The bullies who photoshopped his face onto various bovine would know that Barry was destined forContinue reading “Sneak Preview”

Tuners – Chapter One

Here is a sneak peak at chapter one of the Tuners. Don’t forget to secure your advanced copy over here at Patreon: Jon Xiong’s earbuds crackled, overpowered by a blast of static. His music was interrupted like a radio station losing signal. In a silhouette of purple light, a blonde in a blue plaid skirtContinue reading “Tuners – Chapter One”

The Tuners Are Coming

A couple of years ago, I started writing a trilogy about a group of teens who heard the sound of nearby parallel universes and could travel to them. It started with a conversation where my wife and I were talking about how malls are the same everywhere, and if there was a multiverse, Forever 21 wouldContinue reading “The Tuners Are Coming”

The Robin Hood of Couches Special Edition

Today is your last chance to get the special Patreon members only edition of The Robin Hood of Couches! Thank you so much to all the folks who’ve already donated. Your support means a lot to me. You can secure your copy here on Patreon. If you want to skip all this Patreon stuff, you can preorderContinue reading “The Robin Hood of Couches Special Edition”