AI Writes a Story Part IV

AI seems to be coming out with new ways to use it faster than I can even keep up or write these emails. I could increase the frequency of my emails, but then I’d be leaning into journalism over fiction writing. Here’s a little insight to how I run this mailing list (authors, take note,Continue reading “AI Writes a Story Part IV”

Kal’s Fate Mission Debrief

Kal’s Fate and its sequel were a resounding success and my best book launch ever! I have all of you to thank for it. So, thank you, I appreciate it. Having a launch like this makes me want to just buckle down and write the next one (which is in progress). But before I do, IContinue reading “Kal’s Fate Mission Debrief”

The Teristaques Have Landed

The first two volumes in the Teristaque series are finally ready for purchase. You can read them right now if you’d like, or if you can wait a week. The kindle editions of Kal’s Fate will be free and Kal’s Quandary will be 99 cents. The sale will last through 12/21/21-12/25/21 (Merry Christmas!). If you haveContinue reading “The Teristaques Have Landed”

Patreon is Back

It looks like I shall be returning to release books on Patreon, and for my first one. It will be a rerelease of the The Teristaque Chronicles with completely new artwork. For this venture, if you purchase Volume I of the rerelease on Patreon, I will throw in a copy of Volume II as well. That’sContinue reading “Patreon is Back”

Some thoughts on the end of the world.

In case, you missed it. Time Burrito is free once again until this Saturday. Now that I got that out of the way, I’d like to share with you some thoughts: I realized that part of why I write science fiction is because I’m fascinated with technology, and not in the gadget sort of way.Continue reading “Some thoughts on the end of the world.”