2015 – New Goals and New Directions

For those of you who have been following this blog, I made a switch from comedy blogger to science fiction writer in 2014. I decided to kick off my science fiction writing career with a challenge to myself, a challenge that I didn’t announce because of the off chance that I would fail. I decidedContinue reading “2015 – New Goals and New Directions”

Time Travel Girl and the Paradox Kid

The fourth and final Sperm Donor for a Cosmic Paradox story is here! This story wouldn’t be possible if it wasn’t for all the people who said, “What the hell man! I want know what happens next!” I was asked many times about these stories, so I humbly thank you all. I do plan toContinue reading “Time Travel Girl and the Paradox Kid”

Customer Service Scientist

When I wrote Sperm Donor for a Cosmic Paradox, I intended for it to be a one off story. For every reader who wanted more from the story, I humbly thank you. I really wasn’t prepared for the question what happens next? So I gave my readers the obtuse answer, “I guess you’ll just haveContinue reading “Customer Service Scientist”