Time Burrito Makes it to the Big Screen

Okay, I’m finally here to tell you about my journey as an AI filmmaker. Before I start, let me give you a long-winded diatribe about technology… just kidding. Let me tell you about my experience in filmmaking first. Movies and TVs were my first passion. When I was in college, I was blessed to beContinue reading “Time Burrito Makes it to the Big Screen”

An Infinite Number of Exes

I never intended on Time Burrito on having a sequel much less many of them. The original was a lot like creating stew with whatever I had in the kitchen at the time. I just wrote whatever the hell I wanted, put a book with a cat flying on a space burrito on the cover,Continue reading “An Infinite Number of Exes”

Time Burrito 3: The Boy King of Carradine

While writing Time Burrito 2, I had an idea for a story. A lot of the time, those ideas get written down in a text file and stored on my hard drive and maybe never go beyond that. This one was different. I kept thinking about it, talking to my wife about it, even sometimesContinue reading “Time Burrito 3: The Boy King of Carradine”

Time Burrito on Sale for 99 Cents!

I wanted to give a token of my appreciation for the support I’ve already received on Patreon. I have two offers for you. Time Burrito will be on sale for 99 cents from now till 7/12/19 (US and UK only)! Othello and Zombies will be free during that same time frame. Thank you again for your support,Continue reading “Time Burrito on Sale for 99 Cents!”