The Case for Invading Jamaica

The government seems to be really concerned with this budget thing. The solution to all the US money troubles is really easy. We can invade a small country with a wealthy resource. Right now, the US military is pretty much the best in the whole world. We can take out a terrorist leader reading aContinue reading “The Case for Invading Jamaica”

A Historical, Transcultural, and Sacrilicious Perspective on Gluten Free

The US could really take a lesson in hospitality from the Irish. For example, there is a little protein called gluten found in wheat, barley, and rye that causes excessive burping and anal leakage in my digestive system; This condition is commonly known as TMI. When I ask an American server about gluten free options,Continue reading “A Historical, Transcultural, and Sacrilicious Perspective on Gluten Free”

More Than a Pot of Gold at the End of This Rainbow

I feel obligated to report on the toilets in Ireland after I make a big stink (HA! I MADE A FUNNY!) about travel writers not writing about bathrooms enough. I also hope that I am the first writer to take notes about the bathroom experience. So here is a little Irish Bathroom Experience in 3D!Continue reading “More Than a Pot of Gold at the End of This Rainbow”

The Worldly Poop

Comedy writers always ask the tough questions. Or at least the questions that nobody else asks. Is it just me or do people grunting while pooping make you uncomfortable? I always feel a little weird when the stall next door is full of: Phtttttp. Ahhhh… Phhhhtttp. Errrr….. Phhhhhhhhttttttttpppppppp… AHHHHHHH!  SPLASH. SPLASH. SPLASH. YES! YES! YES!Continue reading “The Worldly Poop”

25 Ways to Get Kicked Out of Europe

My wife and I are finally going to our 2 year late honeymoon in Berlin. Ideas that Won’t Change the World will be on hold while I am there. As luck would have it, we are going back again to Europe in 2013 with her family because they found this amazing deal for a week in Ireland. What better way for meContinue reading “25 Ways to Get Kicked Out of Europe”