The Dead Art of Channel Surfing

I am going to Ireland this weekend. So this blog will be put on hold for a while.  Last time I went to Europe, I wrote a piece about how to get kicked out of Europe. For Ireland, I figure I’d write about something I won’t being doing while I am there-watching TV.  With HuluContinue reading “The Dead Art of Channel Surfing”


My wife and I finished watching the entirety of the X-Files. One episode featured shirtless Mitch Pileggi, who was surprisingly buff underneath the doofy balding boss exterior. His character, Skinner, was that fifties-nerd-looking-character, while sans shirt, who became a Vin Diesel type action hero, with plenty of chest hair. Bear in mind that the shavenContinue reading “WWMPD?”

15 TV Pilot Failures

From the Bunny Droppings files: 1. CSI Leave It to Beaver – The first episode involved a lot of a vomiting from the Beave and Wally. Eventually, Wally downward spiraled into heroin addiction. 2. V: North Korea – The Aliens began worshiping the Kim Jong-Il like a god and wondered what the hell happened? TheyContinue reading “15 TV Pilot Failures”