I Ain’t No Folla Back Girl #amwriting

The twitter verse has a measure of success, the follower. Having a lot of followers means you are awesome! 50k followers means that there is a small city worth of people who hang on your every word and retweet your brilliant brainerisms (or Brianisms if you retweet your buddy Brian a lot). However, despite the overwhelming numberContinue reading “I Ain’t No Folla Back Girl #amwriting”

The Great Frozen Tundra of the North

It’s been a while since I’ve updated about my writing affairs, so I’m going to dump out all the information in this brand new shiny post. As many of you know, I switched gears from writing weekly humor posts to science fiction. I’ve also just finished writing the first draft of my second novel. ForContinue reading “The Great Frozen Tundra of the North”