Othello and Zombies Free Book and More

  While we wait to find out the fate of Time Burrito, I wanted to thank everyone via the offer of a free kindle book. What better book to offer for free than Othello and Zombies? They were written at almost the exact same time. I was barely on the first act of Othello andContinue reading “Othello and Zombies Free Book and More”

The Zombies Are Here

Othello and Zombies is now officially out on kindle and in paperback. Even better, it will be only 99 cents for the kindle edition from now until the end of October! The book is a modern horror comedy-Shakespeare mashup. Here’s a preview of the first two chapters: Chapter 1 Rodriguez leaned on the metal door.Continue reading “The Zombies Are Here”

Daryl Kicks the Crap Out of Chuck Norris

Norman Reedus, who plays Daryl on The Walking Dead, really needs his own Internet meme. So here are reasons why Daryl is way cooler than Chuck Norris: 1. Chuck Norris can kill a man with his fist. Daryl can kill a man from fifty feet away with a cool stare. 2. Chuck Norris may have any lady.Continue reading “Daryl Kicks the Crap Out of Chuck Norris”