The Cat Toilet Training Days

Whoever said that you can’t train cats obviously didn’t have a year of free time and at least eight hours for their cats. I have a officially toilet trained my cats Darla and Ezri (yes, we are that nerdy). Since they are one-year-olds, I am hoping for at least 19 years of kitty litter-free living.Continue reading “The Cat Toilet Training Days”

10 Ways to Escape Jury Duty

Here are some fun ways to get out of jury duty… and probably spend some time in prison. 1. Claim that you are an alien observer from the nearest life supporting star system. When they remove you from court, threaten to write “unremarkable” on your report. 2. Tell them you are from a terrorist cellContinue reading “10 Ways to Escape Jury Duty”

Kitten Pharmacuticals

This week on the Kitten and the Restless… Kit Furcoat purrs her way into the Paws Club but not before Henrik Fuzzington confronts her about her long lost brother, Mewvius Furcoat. He was lost in the Amazon river basin with Jed Whiskerly, Xing Mew, and Catherine St. PurrMewSniff. Meanwhile, the mafia boss Scratch Biting andContinue reading “Kitten Pharmacuticals”