Ways to Spice Up the Workday Using Fantasy Tropes

Boring day at the office? Try any of these fun ways to keep it exciting. Except not really because some will get you executed for war crimes! 1.       War drums – Why enter tax season with an army of accountants packed into cubicles with only the clatter of keyboards when you could have a man inContinue reading “Ways to Spice Up the Workday Using Fantasy Tropes”

10 Ways to Alter Time Without Killing Hitler

We all know that killing Hitler creates a worse alternate reality like an even more horrific outcome of World War II or an infinite number of Full House spinoffs that eventually destroy space time. Yet, we all can agree that Hitler was a bad guy, and most people would probably sign up for a madcapContinue reading “10 Ways to Alter Time Without Killing Hitler”


Featuring five brand new Sci-Fi Comedy stories from five brilliant authors, The Cosmic Comedy Collection is a book that will have you laughing at everything from shapeshifting aliens, superintelligent AI, to flying cats. It’s weird, it’s wacky, and every single story in the book can’t be found anywhere else. This book contains talented, hilarious writing from: A.J.Continue reading “THE COSMIC COMEDY COLLECTION”